
We have some terrific volunteers to help you with parking directions, unloading and even with Hospitality!
This event wouldn’t be possible without the great volunteers and their countless hours of support and dedication.
Our mission is to make this event The Finest Arts Festival in Georgia! In order to make this possible, we need the help of dedicated supporters of the arts and environment. There’s still time to pitch in! If you’d like to help, send us an email.
Sarah Cappuccitti is coordinating volunteer activity. Want to help?
Send an email to: sarah@affps.com (Please put “Volunteer for Sandy Springs Artsapalooza” in the subject line.)
Volunteer Opportunities
• Artist Relations ~ assist artists with check-in; set-up & break-down; booth sitting; artist hospitality.
• Beverage & Snack Distribution ~ Distribute beverages & snacks to booths; lifting required.
• Information Booth ~ Assist at the “Q & A” Booth: Festival Activities,
  distribute festival maps & brochures; other literature.
​• Volunteer Booth ~ Check-in new shifts for volunteers and answer general questions.
* Booth sitting
Volunteer Release Form: CLICK HERE TO PRINT
Forms will also be provided at the Festival Information booth
If you have any questions or need additional information,
please contact us by email at: info@affps.com or call 404-873-1222

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